Saturday 7 May 2011


How Disability Insurance Lawyer is best suited to handle your case by Kevin Hen

 Before going anything let us first understand what a disability insurance is put in simple terms. Like any other insurance product disability insurance is also a written and biding contract between the insurance company and the person insured with laid down terms and conditions. While buying an insurance policy we don’t care to go through these finely printed terms and conditions and just give our consent by signing on the dotted line.

Disability insurance is little different and complex from the life insurance policies. Under a life insurance policy the insurance company has to make a certain lump sum payment on death on the insured (except under the case where the death is due to the causes explicitly not covered by the policy). The life insurance company just have to identify that cause of death in not in the exception list of the policy document. While in case of disability insurance it requires to estimate the current earnings of the person insured and calculate both the amount and the time frame till which this monthly amount will be paid to the person insured. As numbers of variables involved are much more in case of disability insurance there are more chances of  disconnect between the assessment of claim processing officer and your expectations. More often than not person insured is found to be deprived party.

How to resolve this discontent and feeling of deprivation? Many of the disability insurance claims get out rightly rejected by the insurance company while some other are dragged endlessly.  A disability lawyer would be the best suited to handle this situation on the following account:

a.Insurance Lawyer is a legal expert and can inform you of your legal rights after going through your insurance contract.

b.He is well qualified to investigate the case and give his opinion on the outcome. This will give you an idea what you can tend to gain or lose on further persuasion of the subject matter.

c.He performs important function of mitigating insurance policy clauses.

d.As he would have many similar cases before he can share his past experiences with you.

e.Due to his involvement with similar cases he will know exactly what’s going on inside you and can also provide you with physiological counselling.

f.As insurance lawyers also know many of the employees of the insurance company out of their professional involvement with them, they can also help you get an out of the court settlement for your claims.

All in all it would be a winning situation for you in case you decide to involve an insurance lawyer to represent you in case of a rejection of undue delay in processing your disability insurance claims.

 Visit us to know more about Disability Insurance & Disability Lawyer

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