Saturday 7 May 2011


Why Dental Professionals  (And Patients!) Need Payment Plans More Than Ever. by Steven Safeman

 In uncertain economic times a trip to a Dentist is  one thing that many people might decide to put towards the back of their list of concerns - incorrectly possibly, given that health is always important - but it is no more than human nature. Worse still maybe is the chance of accident or some other un-avoidable dental care being required duringtimes when income might have fallen During the recent downturn in the economy a lowering of income has been as widespread as outright redundancy, as a result of short time working, switch to lower paid employment or simply frozen pay levels. In these conditions dentists managing a dental plan will be benefiting both themselves and their patients through  supplying financial stability and predictability.

With no per-visit payments, routine visits to a dental practice, that could bring about all-important early diagnosis, aren't considered as an extra expense by a client having a dental plan, and the cost of any consequent treatment has been included in the plan payments. Dental practices also benefit from the stability of a regular income stream and the reduction in uncertainty makes it possible to prepare with more confidence for continuing and improving service provision.

The dentist has to be confident he or she is proposing the best scheme for both him or her self and his clients and in this respect both cost and good quality are key points. DPAS prides itself on being the lowest cost of the principal dental plan providers which will be of primary interest to customers. Dental practices additionally have the flexibility to offer a selection of dental plans to customers with different requirements and financial constraints. Also important to dental practitioners and clients, even if less evident, is the support offered by DPAS in plan set-up and  administration. With DPAS support and expertise carrying much of the burden dentists are free to spend more of their time with their patients which is the outcome  everyone would like.

The other essential aspect to consider is that the plan needs to suit the practice, not require the practice and its patients to adapt themselves to the plan. All dental practices are different: in size, demographic profile of clients and socio-economic mix. By enabling 'practice branding' of plans DPAS makes it possible for dental practices to provide plans which are right for them and their patients. With a 'practice branded' plan patients feel that they still belong to the practice, not to something that has become a small outlet of a large impersonal organisation, complete with all the loss of control and personalized attention that this commonly implies.

DPAS offer  dental plans  for dental professionals which can be tailored to the individual practice. These  dental practice payment plans  provide important  flexibility for the individual practice and its clients.

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